Friday, October 01, 2004


Bush should really hit this charge. He should say, "you know, the hardest thing about this job isn't the attacks on me, it is that people, in order to attack me, impune the honor of our armed forces. My opponent has just repeated a charge against American Soldiers that I thought everyone knew by now was false, and that I think most Americans never took seriously in the first place: that American stood gaurd over the oil ministry building while intentionally allowing the city to be looted. That is false. It never happened. I would never order that and American solders, frankly, wouldn't do that. We did not go into Iraq to steal thier oil. We have helped the Iraqi people finally get some of the benefits of thier oil. Our soldiers have helped those people. Dont' slander our soldiers. And don't say it is just something you heard from someone else like the way you explain away your slander of your fellow soldiers in Vietnam. When our soldiers are under fire or being held in enemy prison camps I think you have an obligation not to spread malicious lies about them."

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