Thursday, November 04, 2004

That's the spirit

Peter Beinart in the new republic on what the democrats should do about the gay marriage issue:

"The fact that it is widely unpopular cannot obscure the fact that it is morally momentous and morally right."

I see a long string of Republican victories ahead.

1 comment:

Michael Reinhard said...

you know, I think you are right. What I said does seem rather small minded now that I look back on it. It is certainly to be admired when an elected politician stands up for something he believes in and pays the price of his office for it.

The thing that I think that doesn't fit in this case is that the issue of Gay marriage was not brought up by elected politicians. It was brought into politics by unelected judges trying to get around elected politicians. If proponents of gay marriage had tried to get policy changed through the route of electoral politics rather than judicial fiat in the first place I think they would then be entitled to a good deal more respect and, ultimately, find themselves much more successful.