Thursday, September 01, 2005


It is astonishing that they are directing anger toward the government and not toward the people committing crimes. The most salient fact about someone firing at doctors is their depravity as individuals, not the question of whether there was a police officer on the scene. It is unbelievable that we are interested in finding a way to blame stuff on Bush. Elites are not interested in the rot and vileness of people that would take advantage of a such a situation and look instead at something different Bush could have done.

Note that no one is making a case that there was something that should have been done that wasn’t. The mere fact that something bad is happening and the government is not able to prevent it is enough to use it against Bush.

But there is something even more creepy. The way they ask questions of minor officials who are not especially Republican or Democrat.

You can never direct anger against other people, you always have to direct it toward the government, because even if people are doing something wrong it is only because of something the government hasn’t done for them.

People can’t take pride in how well they cope with something horrible because that would weaken their claim against the government.


What will be made use of in this situation? The conservatives will point out that it is the result of an infantilized society where the family is destroyed. Where the men have abandoned their families. Black people in the 1930s didn’t have this problem they had no choice.

Liberals will say it is because we have all our army and resources in Iraq.


“They have no shade” what did people do before the government invented shade? These people don’t know how to do anything. Can people do anything for themselves? People can build shade. I don’t care. And you can’t criticize people because that is cruel.

There are people out dying because they can’t get their medicine. The news media plays up their complaints as if they are legitimate, as if they are victims of the government. No shame.


It was amazing how they couldn’t find anyone to interview on TV that was coping. You saw a few people in the background that were not standing there panicking, but everyone that got an on-camera interview was a balling mound of helplessness. That seemed to be some sort of rule. No getting on camera unless you were a basket case. .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about asking yourself why are people angry at the government, police, etc. Was it really a smart idea to tell people to evacuate (meaning only people who have cars, money, good intentions etc. will leave). Who remains there - the poor, sick, disabled, and opportunists who foresee a nice looting ahead.
So I see no surprise at the results - rapes, looting, burglary, etc.

The deeper question is why there are such people who resort to this (oh, yes surprise, not all americans are churh-going law-abiding citizens) - clearly the reasons are poor educational system, poor social security, no gun control (I saw half of Bern, Switzerland under water a week ago - no looting there...). One should not treat the symptomes of a problem but its causes. Maybe if US spends less billions of tax dollars on politically and economically lucrative things as invading other countries and more on its own people - education, healthcare, etc. things may change. But then again may be not, you americans seem to like your way of life - then don't complain about what you see on tv.