Monday, November 30, 2009

Berman Post: Obama Rejects International Convention Banning Land Mines

Berman Post: Obama Rejects International Convention Banning Land Mines

The Obama = Bush meme gets another support today as the Administration rejects the land mine treaty.

It is curious that the left has fastened on land mines as an evil. They are a defensive weapon when used at all responsibly. Churchill mocked the idea abroad in his day that weapons could be divided into offensive and defensive, good and bad weapons. The distinction is in the use they are put to, not in their nature. That being said there is no weapon that has the potential, at least, for such purely defensive uses.

It is also amusing to contemplate the list of nations that are not among the 150 signatories of the treaty. The short list is basically the countries that might actually have to fight a war.

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