Sunday, October 03, 2004

The long Holiday

The long holiday from history is coming to an end. Those days when we could imagine that all our problems could be solved if we just were a little nicer, a little more tolerant. We have an enemy that doesn't want to cut a deal, doesn't want to live side by side, that we are going to have to fight and defeat or be conquered by. In Europe it is slowly sinking in that they are being eaten away from within by a minority that doesn't want to assimilate, that doesn't want to become Europeans, that wants Western power without Western values. Here we are momentarily flirting with the idea that maybe the we could protect ourselves through the UN, through patching things up with the French. But does anyone really believe that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do we have an enemy or someone created one to serve a purpose?

after all, it is easier to rule the masses giving them an enemy to hate. after the cold war was over it was necessary that america get a new enemy. What is better than a faceless one requiring the fatherly government to interfere and make people paranoid (scared people are easily distracted from trivial issues like unemployment, lack of medical insurance, etc). It almost seems too good to have happened by chance...