Monday, July 04, 2022

 Good News for Trump, but Better New for DeSantis

Ann Althouse repots this poll, where she points out that although Trump has very high negatives, he is still the most popular figure in politics. 

But what I think is more interesting is that DeSantis is the only political figure whose negatives are not higher than his positives. I don't see how more people don't comment on this. 

It is remarkable that there is only one political figure in this poll with negatives that aren't higher than their positives. And this is for a candidate that speaks his mind forthrightly and leans into the culture wars. 

Of course this will likely change as he becomes better known, but it does seem to suggest that it is not the positions of the right that alienate voters--DeSantis is at least as far to the right as Trump--but the way in which the candidate argues for and supports those positions. 

DeSantis argues soberly and cites statistics to support his positions. He tends to focus on one issue at a time and be very well prepared to back up that position with facts. 

Is there a lesson in this for other candidates both from the right and the left? Could we be seeing the initiation of a new style in American politics? Possible extreme but backed with facts and arguments? I hope so. 

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