Saturday, October 11, 2008

NYT article on Obama and Nuclear power

If this isn't against I would hate to see what is. Here is an article the NYT explaining why Obama isn't against nuclear power, he just doesn't want to build any new ones.  He is willing to let existing plants continue in operation and will consider building new ones on that magical day when all of the concerns about storage of waste have been addressed. 

Oh?  That's helpful. Now can I be considered for free speech if I oppose anyone writing new books but am not advocating burning old ones?  And even in favor of new speech if I am happy to have it once the concerns about "harmful" speech have been addressed to the satisfaction of the interest groups that share my concern and I designate as the true guardians of the welfare of the people?  If he isn't anti-nuclear the words have no meaning.  He is the ultimate Mandarin, playing word games to get what he wants past the people.

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