Thursday, October 09, 2008

Rewarding the culprits in

  It is one thing to see the thieves get away or go unpunished. It is quite another to see them caught red-handed and then instead of being punished being given an award for returning stolen property.  having been caught with chickens under their arms, they are not only being given an award for returning stolen property they are being given keys to the chicken coop. They are reaping the political benefit from the very crisis they  caused.

That is what is happening in this election. The Democrats, who are the cause of this economic meltdown, are perversely benefiting from it.  the press with its ideological certainty that the problem lies in a general lack of regulation has blamed the problem at the door the Republicans. Their questions in their reporting are premised on the cause of the problem being deregulation itself. They are in curious Dennis as to the relationship between the Democrats and Fannie and Freddie, and, more importantly, between the credit market crisis and the mortgage market problem, has left the casual observer with no inference but that the Republicans are the culprits. McCain's "greed on Wall Street" rhetoric does not help matters.

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